Brochure on the ASEAN Centre activities in 2024
Meeting of the ASEAN Centre’s Executive Board
Soft Power as a Tool for Achieving Foreign Policy Goals
Lidia Gevorkyan
MSAL University, Moscow
Daria Denisova
RSUH, Moscow
Mikhail Ternyuk
MGIMO, Moscow
The article is devoted to the study of the content, basic principles, and features of the formation of "soft power" in foreign policy. The authors briefly analyze resources, tools, and strategies of soft power as a political concept. The article provides examples of soft power's political influence in the US and Russia's foreign policy. The article concludes with a series of recommendations for improving soft power policy in the Russian Federation.
Key words: soft power, foreign policy, policy tool, policy goal
1. Soft power: resources, tools, strategies
The strategy of "soft power" was first clearly understood and formulated by political science in 1990, when Professor Joseph S. Nye of Harvard University published his book "Bound to Lead: The Changing Nature of American Power"[1]. Nye's book anticipated such an important milestone in the transformation of instruments of political influence as the Gulf War and the coverage of this war by CCN. It can be considered that this event marked the beginning of a qualitative transformation of power and influence in world politics.
Soft power is based on such resources as cultural and value attractiveness, the attractiveness of the national-state economic model of development, the attractiveness of the political model.
Cultural and value attractiveness as a resource of soft power is based on the spread of mass culture. Important tools for using the resource of cultural value attractiveness are PR technologies and advertising used in the international sphere. Another tool is related to the outward promotion of the national language[2].
For the most effective promotion of soft power, the possibilities of international television and radio broadcasting are used. As a rule, such promotion is carried out through structures specially created for such purposes. These can be international organizations for linguistic cooperation, public organizations, international cultural and educational centers, non-governmental organizations, etc.
The resource of the attractiveness of a political model, as a rule, is realized with the help of such instruments as official diplomacy, international media, public diplomacy. Within the framework of official diplomacy, international organizations can be created, including economic and military-political, multilateral interstate negotiating platforms, various kinds of international forums, clubs, etc.
The resource of public diplomacy is implemented mainly in the form of the work of non-profit organizations, in the format of holding international conferences, student exchanges, etc.
The resource of the nation-state economic development model can be used by states through the following instruments: implementation of large infrastructure projects, including those outside their state borders, active participation in the activities of international financial institutions. This should also include the country's willingness to provide economic assistance to countries in need.
At present, the soft power strategy is being supplemented by “hard” components sometimes. For example, it seems possible to classify as soft power military-technical, military-educational cooperation, military diplomacy, as well as the demonstration of military power in the form of military exercises[3].
The soft power strategy is designed to influence the consciousness of both the bulk of the population and the political and economic elite of the target state. At the same time, the strategy of soft power contains a component of rigidity associated with the imposition of initially alien standards. The object of influence is far from always being able to realize that the choice he makes is not completely free.
The result of the implementation of the soft power strategy should be the formation of a favorable foreign policy environment for the state concerned. At the same time, the soft power strategy does not make any clear accents in terms of defining foreign policy allies. There is a general directive to influence the foreign policy behavior of all states, which can be influenced, by persuading them to take certain international political steps. The specificity of the soft power strategy is that it is focused on a fairly long-term perspective.
2. Soft power in the politics of modern Russia
In the modern world, Russia is under considerable pressure, mainly from the United States and the countries of Western Europe. Naturally, it is unprofitable for any of them to enter into a confrontation, therefore, all kinds of methods of "soft" influence are used. An example of this influence is the imposition of sanctions against the Russian Federation by the US and EU countries, personal restrictions for Russian citizens, a series of doping scandals, and suspension of Russian athletes. Russia needs to effectively resist this pressure. It is important to create the image of the country in the world political arena.
In this regard, on November 30, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented the Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation[4]. The document includes the concept of "soft power", which is defined as "…a comprehensive toolkit for solving foreign policy problems based on the capabilities of civil society, information and communication, humanitarian and other methods and technologies alternative to classical diplomacy…”. Soft power in Russian foreign policy is mainly applied in the following way.
First, through Rossotrudnichestvo, an agency subordinate to the Russian Foreign Ministry, entrusted with a wide range of tasks. For example, spreading the Russian language and strengthening its position in the world, promoting Russian culture abroad, supporting global development, preserving monuments and memorials. The main activity of this agency is aimed at the CIS countries[5].
Secondly, quite a few sports competitions and international forums on various topics have been held in Russia recently. The organization of these events and the hospitality pleasantly surprised many foreign guests despite pressure from various media. Thus, the image of Russia is being formed as a friendly and welcoming country.
Also, the Russian Federation has the potential to deploy soft power using information technologies, which can reach a wide audience and promptly deliver the necessary information. Thus, social networks disseminate relevant information about the domestic and foreign policy of Russia to form its positive image, as well as analyze and counter anti-Russian attacks.
3. Implementing soft power concept in US foreign policy
US soft power is an object of study by many social and political scientists, and journalists. Repulsive and provocative US leadership foreign policy often violates not only the norms of morality and interstate ethics but also the norms of international law. However, these actions do not alienate the masses from the United States. The percentage of citizens willing to migrate to America in search of a better life is not decreasing either[6]. The attractive appearance for adventure seekers, scientists, and young working people greatly contribute to the prosperity of the country.
The United States soft power offers to people a set of liberal values and freedoms. In the minds of Americans, the concept of freedom is closely intertwined with the concept of democracy, although in essence, they are different things. The specificity of America's values is largely determined by the historical conditions of its development, religious values, and orientations that are part of the national consciousness. All this predetermined the emergence of the idea of national exclusivity and the special mission of the United States in the world. Liberal democratic principles, freedom, human rights, rule of law, sustainable development, and private property are axioms and represent a certain system of coordinates in the US. The United States is characterized by the belief that its values are good for everyone in this world.
Another value associated with individualism is the focus on success or the "American Dream." The essence of this value lies in the idea that the USA is a country of unlimited opportunities, an open society where everyone can achieve success relying only on their strengths regardless of social status and origin[7].
Second, mass pop culture is an equally important component of American soft power politics. The US pop industry and cinema are essential components of soft power. Russian culture is not large enough to overshadow the more massive and more understandable culture supplied by North America.
The next point is soft power in the educational sphere. The US international educational programs remain the most important instrument of public diplomacy. Students exchange programs serve several purposes: expanding knowledge, familiarization with American state institutions, educational traditions, political, economic, and social foundations. Exchange programs stimulate development, establish connections, professional and personal relationships, and also contribute to changing the vector of foreign public opinion for the positive image of the country.
Finally, we can also mention such a young and actively developing area as a public diplomacy on the Web, based on interactive multi-user systems. The content on the modern Web is filled by the participants themselves. Social networks, social bookmarks, online games, blogs, forums, communities, groups, comments, chats, and other elements and resources of the Internet take precedence over traditional media today.
It is possible to single out not only these factors of influence of the United States presented above but also many others. The US experience is very revealing.
Further forecasts and measures
Based on the foregoing, it should be assumed that the development of institutions for the implementation of soft power in Russia in the long term will be facilitated by the promotion of attractive images of the country abroad, on the one hand, and the activities of specialized institutions, on the other hand.
The necessary measure seems to be the popularization of the main paradigms of Russian civilization, the use of historically grounded attractive images of Russia, the reflection of such qualities as spirituality, love, tolerance, fortitude, courage, generosity, hard work, courage, truthfulness, openness, justice, as well as focusing on achievements Russian culture and science. To accomplish these tasks, coordination should be developed between the institutions involved in the implementation of soft power.
[1] Nye, Joseph S., Bound to lead : the changing nature of American power. New York : Basic Books, 1990. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[1] Putin V. Rossiya i menyayushchiisya mir // Moskovskie novosti, 27.02.2012 // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[1] Chikharev I.A., Stoletov O.V., Soft power in Russian foreign policy. // International Relations / № 1 / 2015. // DOI: 10.7256/2305-560X.2015.1.11479 // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[1] Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation (approved by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on November 30, 2016). // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[1] Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). Official website. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[1] Budiman, Abby. Key findings about U.S. immigrants. // Pew research center. 2020. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[1] Churchwell, Sarah. A Brief History of the American Dream. // The Catalyst. 2021. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[1] Nye, Joseph S., Bound to lead : the changing nature of American power. New York : Basic Books, 1990. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[2] Putin V. Rossiya i menyayushchiisya mir // Moskovskie novosti, 27.02.2012 // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[3] Chikharev I.A., Stoletov O.V., Soft power in Russian foreign policy. // International Relations / № 1 / 2015. // DOI: 10.7256/2305-560X.2015.1.11479 // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[4] Foreign Policy Concept of the Russian Federation (approved by President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin on November 30, 2016). // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[5] Federal Agency for the Commonwealth of Independent States, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo). Official website. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[6] Budiman, Abby. Key findings about U.S. immigrants. // Pew research center. 2020. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).
[7] Churchwell, Sarah. A Brief History of the American Dream. // The Catalyst. 2021. // - URL: (date of the application: 07.11.2021).