Open Day of the Master's Programs "International Relations" and "Political Economy of ASEAN-Russia Strategic Partnership"
Conference Proceedings “Russia and ASEAN in the Asia-Pacific Region: Dynamics of Cooperation, Regional Processes and Global Context”2023-2024
Business Processes in Urban Economy from Perspective of Digital Transformation
Igor Kirillov, School of Governance and Politics, MGIMO University
Roman Popov, School of Governance and Politics, MGIMO University
Abstract. The features of business processes in the urban economy of a metropolis are considered on the example of housing management. A model of a process-oriented approach to the main business processes with the implementation of engineering methods and digital transformations based on their interaction and the results achieved is proposed.
Key words: business processes, housing stock, engineering, digitalization.
The development and functioning of the Moscow metropolis in the current difficult period must be transformed into a business-process, information, intellectual and digital economy with the accelerated application of methods and mechanisms for the functioning of the urban economy. [2,5,8,10].
The modern urban economy, being the basis for the life and development of the city, should be adequate to the changing trends of the territorial-spatial strategy and be determined by the reproductive goals of forming the comfort of housing and the quality of the urban environment. The need for a systematic analysis aimed at creating a technological system of the municipal economy, linking technical, technological and socio-economic blocks and automated workplaces into a single technological cycle, should be especially highlighted. [1.4].
The subject of the research is a methodological approach to the formation of an innovative model of urban management in a large city, the purpose of which is to automate the processes of interaction between organizations and support management decisions based on operational monitoring of the state of urban infrastructure and coordination of the activities of executive authorities in Moscow.
To increase the competitiveness of the housing and communal services (HCS), as the basic subsystem of the urban economy of the metropolitan metropolis, the most important factor is an effective management system of enterprises and organizations focused on sustainable economic activity and ensuring the quality of housing and communal services (HCS).
Housing and communal services as a complex of business processes at the operational phase of the life cycle of real estate, determined by a set of interrelated areas for the sale of services and the production of products or works aimed at creating an environment for life and the quality of housing and communal services for consumers. When designing more efficient management systems, a process approach is used, which in modern conditions can be considered as a necessary stage for the transition to digital transformation of business processes, taking into account various organizational and legal forms of functioning of enterprises and organizations of housing and communal services.
Business processes in housing and communal services are designed to create the value of an enterprise asset, produce resources or carry out works and services to maintain the design quality of housing facilities and the comfort of the urban environment for consumers. At the entrance of the business processes for managing the housing stock, the demand for housing and communal services is formed, at the output - the satisfaction of residents in the provision of quality services and the implementation of work to ensure the safety and achievement of the effectiveness of the operation of the housing stock. [3.7].
The business process begins with the demand of homeowners and other categories of residents for the provision of quality standards for housing and communal services and ends with their satisfaction. The business processes of housing stock management include a system of several directions, which in turn are subdivided into several processes and sub-processes, which are characterized by specific features and indicators, which together determine the results achieved at the output. [eleven].
The business process for the production of communal resources includes the following sub-processes: resource development - resource transportation - resource connection to the housing stock. The business process of operating the common property of apartment buildings is decomposed into the following sub-processes: - maintenance; - routine repairs; -sanitary maintenance; - overhaul, ensuring the provision of utilities.
The development of business activities in housing and communal services on the basis of continuous improvement of existing processes is based on the use of new management technologies and engineering methods, as a tool for the implementation of progressive achievements for production purposes and scientifically-based activities for the construction and operation of housing facilities and engineering infrastructure. [10].
In the process of carrying out strategic changes, many management companies seek to improve their activities using engineering methods, as well as new management technologies of digital transformations [9]. In our opinion, at the first stage, it is necessary to take measures to improve business processes, since attempts to integrate ineffective traditional processes into a new digital system have not achieved the desired effect. Therefore, it is necessary to first ensure the implementation of organizational and managerial transformation in the company, as a stage of preparing the system for further digital transformations, and then form a case of relevant technological solutions, on the basis of which the implementation of digital events should be built.
Figure 1 shows the strategic model of a process-oriented approach developed by the author to the main business processes in the field of housing management with the implementation of engineering methods and digital transformations. The model allows you to visually see a map of the main business processes for housing management, the flow of work performed, as a factor in creating additional value to ensure the operability of building structures and intra-building systems, and new products (utilities), to understand the sequence and interaction of engineering processes and digital transformations...
In modern conditions, there is a request to search for innovative tools that combine existing information services into a single information system in the field of urban economy. It is necessary to create an automated information system for the interaction of organizations and support for management decisions in order to efficiently monitor the state of municipal facilities and coordinate the activities of executive authorities to ensure strategic and operational management of the implementation of measures during the operation of municipal facilities.
Separate measures for automation and intellectualization are planned in the investment and production programs of the organizations of the communal complex (Fund for capital repairs of the city of Moscow, JSC Mosvodokanal, JSC Mosgaz, JSC Moslift, JSC OEK, State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodostok" and etc.)
A set of measures has been developed and is being implemented to introduce information and communication technologies in housing and communal services, which are included in the city programs “Smart City”, “Development of Utilities and Engineering Infrastructure and Energy Saving”, “HOUSING”, “Development of the Urban Environment”. only to continue digital transformation, but also to increase the availability of new technologies for the population through the development of service infrastructure. Moscow's leading position is confirmed by a successfully built multicomponent smart system that optimizes the use of city services resources [6].
Figure 1. Strategic model of a process-oriented approach to the main business processes in the field of housing management
The further development of the digital transformation of the city's urban economy consists in the application of digitalization based on the BIM-operational model of the state of objects, which will make it possible to more reasonably plan work on current and major repairs and, on this basis, prevent premature deterioration and ensure the standard life cycle of urban infrastructure facilities. It should also emphasize the need to continue digital transformation in order to increase the availability of new technologies for the population by creating personalized service models that meet the needs of customers in providing individual opportunities for access to digital technologies.
The digital transformation of the economy contributes to an increase in the efficiency of coordination and interaction of organizations in the urban economy, the formation of a comfortable urban environment, the acceleration of decision-making on the modernization of engineering networks, the improvement of the quality of housing and communal services, an increase in the efficiency of business processes based on innovative technical and digital equipment and the corresponding professional competencies of human resources.
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